pokemon on ice! [pj]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
1,191 posts
marcel maeda DOLLARS
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marcel maeda
pokemon on ice! [pj]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2020 17:15:40 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

the weavile lets out a sharp cry as he falls to the ice once more. it was a pain he was beginning to get used to. sitting up, he tries to tear off his ice skates to not much avail. they were tightly fitted, and undoing all the buckles and straps took daintier hands than his own clawed ones.
for what wasn't the first time that day, he cursed his trainer for sending him on this job.
in an attempt to regain his footing, the weavile begins pushing himself up, only to have his feet slide out from underneath him. again. with an infuriated roar, he lashes out at the ice with METAL CLAW.[break][break][break]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
pokemon on ice! [pj]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2020 17:28:50 GMT
Deleted Avatar
[attr="class","witness"]like a good genderless hunk of ice, the cryogonal known as faust was making a decent effort at keeping the ice in tip top shape.

admittedly, there were times where it would purposefully blow an ice beam to create a sort of 'obstacle' for other pokemon to overcome. wasn't that something they would enjoy? sure, why not, right?

when that wasn't enough, it purposed to create reflect and light screen barriers, watching as pokemon twisted into them and sometimes just straight ran into them.

who knew a cryogonal could laugh.

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
pokemon on ice! [pj]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2020 17:52:55 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
snow starts to fall with the aid of the abomasnow's snow warning, setting up the atmosphere for the show. mist also starts to spread from the abomasnow throughout the floor of the stage, adding to the magic of things.

aside from providing effects for the show, the abomasnow stands at the center of the stage doing nothing. it's a tree, and like all other tree boys and girls on grade school plays, he does nothing.

he's also shiny, so that helps get the attention from the audience.

at least he closes his eyes throughout the whole thing so no one will be able to see the intimidating glares of a pokemon that was once terrorized villages and supposedly been eating humans from a year or so before. hopefully, some of the victims' family weren't watching.

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
pokemon on ice! [pj]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2020 18:20:47 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


Darmanitan had had every intention of getting through this job without causing a problem. What he hadn't been prepared for was clumsy extra's onset getting in his way or jostling him or stepping on his hands and tail. Did he even have a tail? If he did, it got stepped on.[break][break]

All of this builds up to a paramount point in the Galarian Darmanitan's performance in which he would blow on up on stage. Literally.[break][break]

Similar to the Abomasnow nearby, Darmanitan was on stage to act more like a prop or set piece than an actor. Which was all fine and dandy, but with sharp little hands digging at his skin and mischievous Pokemon trying to get a rise out of him, things soon turned sideways.[break][break]

Or went right as planned. Turns out they had wanted a snowman onset, and Galarian Darmanitan was the perfect candidate. [break][break]

He bellows a bit as he stomps into position, form-changing into the fire-breathing snowman. But the crowd is cheering and somehow he isn't setting fire to anything. [break][break]

Stormy would be so proud.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


template by kay

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
pokemon on ice! [pj]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2020 18:19:32 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i]an ice show! one that wants his help, no less! wowie, this is so exciting. he's been all yips and wagging tails since illeana had dropped him off in the first place. unable to contain the excitement, unable to stop from being swept up in the production. a few other ice types are scattered around, already in their places and assisting with putting on the show.

he is no different, although it's hard on the workers to actually keep him in place and working on the goal.

BLIZZARD has begun to sweep through the arena from his spot on the sidelines. powdered snow whips through and adds to the overall flair of the event as others sweep across the ice. he wants to join them but another call is directed toward him, another task presented. and while he wants to flounder and flail on the ice, it seems it'll have to come at another time.

the alolan ninetales settles into a sitting position in the wings with another flourish of tails. behind him, a worker counts down for the timing. it has to be perfect, right at the peak of performance. the start of a finale, it would seem. "now!" and naturally, he obliges.

AURORA BEAM fires off at the top of the arena, offering a makeshift display of northern lights overhead. it's pretty, beautiful even, but man... ice skating sounds better than special effects.


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
pokemon on ice! [pj]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2020 0:03:58 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

It was finally his time to shine. Mr. Rhyme had been practicing for this moment for what felt like almost his entire life. A chance to perform in front of people, at home atop the ice. With absolute joy in every step and every twirl of his cane, the Mr. Rime pushed out onto the ice.

Spinning around, he was practically a born natural at this. Practically tap-dancing as he slid across the ice, leaping across a few barriers formed by 's Cryogonal. To him, it all seemed part of the show. His cane helping his balance as he danced, he was absolutely obsessed with the spotlight, skating amongst humans and other Pokemon. He was a showman at heart, and nothing would ever change that.

Notes: N/A


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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
pokemon on ice! [pj]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2020 3:22:59 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","pkjob"]GREAT JOB!

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